pexels-cottonbro-Resigning from your job with dignity and pride

How to Resign From Your Job With Dignity and Pride!

Congratulations! You have just been offered a fantastic new job, but there is just one problem; you need to resign from your current position. Maybe you liked your job, and you will miss working there. But, on the other hand, perhaps you hate it and are counting the days till you can leave for good.

The exit interview is a business formality that should not be treated as a therapy session. When Human Resource professionals ask why you are leaving, give upbeat answers

My clients often tell me they are nervous about telling their boss they want to quit since they worry
the boss will be angry at them.
In addition, they feel guilty about leaving the work they have done behind or that someone else may have to take over while they are gone. Nevertheless, when asked if they think how they resign from a company might influence their careers in the future, they act surprised when I tell them a simple resignation notice could affect their career in the future. It is essential to get it right.

10 Tips to Resign with Grace, Style & Dignity

1. Follow your company’s written policy regarding notice. Every so often, my clients feel sorry for their former colleagues. So, they stick around an extra week (or even an extra month). Inevitably, they begin to feel like a fifth wheel. Nearly everyone says, “Next time, I’m leaving right away!”

  1. After you leave, do not accept any job-related calls from your company unless you have a written consulting contract. It’s essential to give the notice the company requests. If your boss miscalculates your notice period and asks for extra time to ensure a smooth transition to your successor, it’s their responsibility to pay for that extra time. Your boss made a business decision requiring “x” weeks’ notice. If the amount of time needed for a smooth transition is underestimated, it is up to them to pay for the extra time.
  2. Study your current and future employer’s policies regarding disclosure of information and non-compete agreements. Some companies are highly protective of their process and employees. For example, you may have to leave the office immediately once you resign. Additionally, your new company may ask you not to work for your former employer, even on a part-time basis.
  3. It is always best to resign in person. A telephone conversation is second best. Regardless, you must keep your resignation confidential until the deed is done! Although challenging, resist the temptation of sharing your thoughts even with your closest companions.
  4. Expect your boss to act professionally. My clients often voice concern about what their boss will say or do, but bosses rarely are caught by surprise. Good bosses are happy when their employees advance in their careers. Thank your boss for the opportunity to learn more for encouraging you to make a great career move.
  5. Even if you hate your boss and coworkers and are looking forward to leaving, be sure to thank them. You may look back on the experience with fondness, or you may meet them at conferences or networking groups. You will almost certainly need strong references from them.
  6. If you get a counteroffer, turn it down!. A common statistic shared across industries is that 70% of those who accept the counteroffer leave in six months. If you decide to stay, get a written job contract. Why is this statistic so high? Once the psychological contract is broken with your employer, it is hard to repair. I describe the Psychological contract that we hold with work as a bone china vase. Once broken, it is hard to repair and never looks as good as it once did when it is fixed. Some of my current career consulting clients have previously accepted counteroffers but have quickly been reminded of why they initially sought to leave.
  7. The exit interview is a business formality that should not be treated as a therapy session. When Human Resource professionals ask why you are leaving, give upbeat answers: “for a better opportunity.” Mention how much you loved the company and your job. If your comments get mangled or misinterpreted in any way, you never know where they will turn up. My best advice is to take the time to think through what you are going to say.
  8. As tempting as it may be, don’t tell anyone about the details of your new job during your notice period. Many of my clients have said that they have been encouraged to share the details of their future positions whilst working notice at their current firms. Over the years, I have heard many reasons and excuses for this behaviour? Nevertheless, it is wise to keep your new employment details confidential, even from your closest colleagues at work.
  9. Focus on your new opportunity – not your past experience. Once you have left, you’re history. The very same folks who love to meet you for lunch will hardly remember your name a week later. If you haven’t changed jobs in a while, you may be in for a shock when starting your new role. Be prepared! Your first day on the job can be a real eye-opener, hopefully in a good way.
5 ways successful leaders think differently

5 Ways Successful Leaders Think Differently

By Simon Childs Managing Director

Optitude 360 Executive Search Ψ

Leadership is never “one size fits all”. The style of leadership that works in one situation may not work as well in another. The key to being an effective leader is to be adaptable and to be able to think outside the box. This means being able to come up with creative solutions to problems and inspire others to do the same.

 If you want to you must first be willing to think differently.  But what does it mean to be a leader? And how can you become one?  It’s important to remember that Leadership is not a position or a title. It is an approach to life. It is the art of mobilising others to want to strive for common goals. The leader can think differently. He sees the world in different ways, and he approaches problems from unique perspectives. He also dares to take risks and face challenges. Leaders  Here are seven ways leaders think differently:

  1. They think long-term.

They Consider Long-Term Strategy: For example, great leaders tend to be very strategic thinkers, which is reflected in their approach to business. They are known for taking a long-term view of things which means they are more likely to invest in research and development or build strong relationships with suppliers rather than simply looking for quick wins. This can make doing business with their companies a slower process, but it also means that they are more likely to be sustainable in the long term.

2 They think about the future. 

To them, the future is a blank slate they can fill with their dreams and aspirations. They are not afraid to take risks and seize opportunities because they believe that anything is possible. They are always looking for new and innovative ways to improve their lives and the world around them. They are constantly learning and growing, allowing them to stay one step ahead of the competition.

3 They think about other people and their wider team

They think of other people. They don’t just think about themselves. They’re always thinking about others and how they can help them. They’re always looking for ways to make things better for other people. Rugby is a team sport that values cooperation communication and mutual respect among its players. These values are evident in the way that teams are structured and operated. Each team has its own specific game plan that takes into account the strengths and weaknesses of its individual players. Team members must work together to execute the plan and achieve success on the field. This requires a high level of trust and communication between players. 

pexels-the-lazy-artist-gallery- 3 inicators that its time for a leader to go

3 Indicators that it’s time for a leader to go!

By Simon Childs Managing Director

Optitude 360 Executive Search Ψ

There are a few key indicators that it may be time for you to move on as a leader. Maybe you’re no longer being challenged in your current role or you’re feeling stagnant and unfulfilled. Perhaps you’re ready for a new challenge or you’re simply not happy with the current state of affairs. If any of these sound familiar it may be time to start considering a change.  There are several indicators that may signal that it is time for a change. These include:

1. Loss of support from followers:

Losing support from followers can have dire consequences for any individual or group. Without the backing of others, it becomes much harder to achieve goals or maintain power. This loss of support can come about due to a number of reasons such as a change in beliefs or values a scandalous event or simply a loss of trust. Whatever the cause those who find themselves in this situation must work hard to regain the support of others if they hope to remain successful.

2 Poor performance:

Poor Performance is a serious issue that can lead to a number of negative consequences. Poor performers may be passed over for promotions or raise they may receive negative performance reviews and they may even be fired. Poor performance can also lead to increased stress and anxiety as well as decreased job satisfaction. If you are struggling with poor performance at work there are a few things you can do to try to improve your situation.

First talk to a mentor or trusted advisor about your concerns. They may be able to offer suggestions or help you develop a plan to improve your performance. You can also try studying or practising outside of work setting goals for yourself and seeking feedback from others. If you are still struggling after taking these steps it may be time to seek professional help. A therapist or counsellor can assist you in identifying the root cause of your poor performance and developing strategies to improve it.

3 Negative impact:

If a leader is having a negative impact on their organisation it may be time for them to move on. This is especially true if the leader is not willing or able to make changes that are necessary for the organisation to be successful. In some cases, the negative impact may be due to the leader’s personal life or outside commitments which are interfering with their ability to lead effectively. In other cases, the leader may simply be ineffective at their job. Whatever the reason if a leader is having a negative impact on their organisation it may be time for them to move on.

pexels-ekaterina-bolovtsova 5 attributes of Great Leaders

5 Attitudes That Define Great Leaders

Simon Childs Managing Director

Optitude 360 Executive Search Psychology

What makes a great leader? This is a question that has been asked throughout history and there are many different answers. However, there are some attitudes that great leaders share. These attitudes include having a positive outlook being passionate about what they do being able to make tough decisions and more. If you want to be a great leader start by adopting these attitudes.

Whether you’re a CEO small business owner or team leader the ability to motivate and inspire others is essential to your success. But what separates great leaders from the rest? We’ve identified five attitudes that define great leaders:

1. They have a positive outlook.

A positive attitude is a very important trait for a great leader. A positive attitude helps a leader to be optimistic and have hope even in the most difficult of situations. A positive attitude also rubs off on the people who follow the leader and this can help to create a motivated and cohesive team. Finally, a positive attitude creates an aura of success around the leader which can inspire others to achieve their own goals.

2 They are solutions,-oriented.

Leaders who are solutions-oriented are always looking for ways to solve problems. They are not content with the status quo and are always looking for ways to improve things. This type of leader is not afraid to take risks and is always looking for new and innovative ways to get things done. This type of leader is also very good at dealing with change and is always adaptable to the ever-changing needs of their organisation.  

3 They are passionate about their work.

Passion is one of the most important traits of great leaders. If you’re not passionate about your work it’s very difficult to inspire others to be passionate about it as well. Passionate leaders are also usually very knowledgeable about their field and are able to articulate their vision in a way that gets others excited about it as well. Great leaders also know how to make

Great leaders work hard and set an example for their team. They are not afraid of long hours and know that success comes from dedication and perseverance. Great leaders also know how to delegate and trust their team to get the job done. This allows them to focus on the big picture and continue moving forward towards their goals.

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How Great Leaders Deal with Uncertainty

By Simon Childs – Managing Director

Optitutde 360 Ψ

Risk and uncertainty are inevitable in any leadership role. The key is to learn how to deal with them effectively so that they don’t derail your plans or cause you undue stress. There are a few key strategies that great leaders use to deal with risk and uncertainty. By implementing these strategies, you can learn to navigate these challenges like a pro.  Risk and uncertainty are a constant in today’s business environment. Leaders need to have strategies in place to deal with them effectively. Some of the key strategies that great leaders use include:

1. Encouraging creativity and innovation: This helps to identify new opportunities and make the most of them.

Encouraging creativity and innovation is essential for businesses to remain competitive. It helps to identify new opportunities and make the most of them. Creativity and innovation can be encouraged through a variety of means such as offering employees flexible working arrangements encouraging outside-the-box thinking and providing training and development opportunities.

2 Building strong relationships: good relationships with key stakeholders can help to mitigate risk and uncertainty. 

Building strong relationships is important for several reasons. First social support from others can buffer against stress and promote physical and mental health. Second strong relationships can provide a sense of meaning and purpose in life which is especially important as we age. Finally strong relationships can serve as a source of social capital which can help individuals navigate difficult life circumstances and achieve success.

3 Being open to change: Being adaptable and flexible allows leaders to respond quickly to changes in the environment.

Change is a constant in life and those who are open to it are often the most successful. Being open to change means being flexible and adaptable two qualities that are essential for success in any field. Those who are open to change are also usually more creative and innovative as they are constantly seeking new ways to improve. Being open to change can be difficult at times but it is always worth it in the end.

4 Planning for contingencies: Having contingency plans in place helps leaders deal with unexpected events more effectively.

When making plans it is important to consider what could go wrong and have a plan for how to deal with it. This is called contingency planning. By considering potential problems and having a plan to deal with them you can increase the chances of your event or project being successful.

There are many potential problems that could occur when planning an event or project. For example, you might not be able to get the venue you wanted or bad weather could disrupt your plans. By thinking about these things in advance you can come up with a plan B that will help ensure your event or project is successful despite any setbacks.